In the News
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
Walt Disney
First and foremost, I’m a lucky husband and father of two girls. My faith is what grounds me and helps me through the ups and downs that life throws at me. I really gravitate to just about anything beyond the norm. If it’s a hiking expedition, I want it to be extreme, miserable, and challenging. I’ve found those to be my favorite past times and have learned from each of those experiences. I try to find that in everything, at least in positive creative terms, although I may come to terms that it isn’t necessary either.
Currently, I am working with my church (Hope Lutheran) and a Mens ministry, spearheading a Spiritual Leadership Expedition in Voyageurs National Park this fall. I’ve been fortunate to have the support of my church and mentors on board helping make this possible...
To design their new dining room, the Skaffs relied on beautiful built-ins and customer-made table by Josh Humble of Finnu Designs. their table for 12 was built using redwood pickling barrels hailing from California.

One industrial element the Christenson’s chose to keep is the locally-designed Finnu Designs dining table by Josh Humble.
Just like the reclaimed wood used to build their handmade furniture, the unique story of how Josh Humble started Finnu Designs is deeply rooted in a lifetime of influences.
Starting Finnu Designs out of his garage two-and-a-half years ago, Humble began building intricate barn doors with a collage of weathered wood fit together like a puzzle. While the business has grown tremendously in the last few years, the idea behind Finnu Designs was first planed with Humble was a kid...

Further towards the Kitchen, we find a custom designed, reclaimed wood barn door built by Finnu Designs...
Many of the home selections were made with meaning behind them with importance to the homeowners. Those features include a sliding barn door made with solid reclaimed white oak accented with a patina inlay steel design and a custom dining table. The table is made with 100 plus-year-old redwood made from pickling tanks, both designed by Finnu...

Other design features include custom reclaimed wood tables by Finnu...
When writing our “feature” posts on clients, we like to do a little research to ensure our content is accurate and lines up with their values. This research brings us to websites, social pages, blogs, biographies, and more. I must say, it was easy to get completely encompassed in my research on Finnu Designs. From their story to their mission, to their services – this family-owned business is truly remarkable!
For Josh Humble, Founder of Finnu Designs, his search for a meaningful life has found him handcrafting beautiful, custom furniture for a cause. Although he has quickly become known for his mid-century modern pieces and uncompromising use of authentic, reclaimed wood, these days Humble has a higher calling.
Attending a global leadership summit, Humble realized his need to change his destiny and cut ties with his past career in photography, pushing him toward a career with a purpose. " I was in photography and I wanted to get out of the industry. it wasn't serving a purpose for me and it wasn't serving a purpose for my family either. My wife Kely said 'Well, it's about time that you did.'"

Moorhead - It is the difficult times in life that sometimes make people all the more grateful for what they have. That was the case recently for Josh Humble of Moorhead.
In August 2013, a teenager drove a car into the side of his garage and into his house. After spending six months making repairs, someone set fire to the same garage.